Killing Time

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

These I put my secret combination of myself :

1. My Natural Habit

-Sering bangun kesiangan dan nggak sholat subuh^^"
-Suka nggak jelas dan autis pada saat-saat tertentu
-Sangat tertarik pada hal-hal unik dan nggak umum
-Book worm
-Make up freak
-Punya banyak kegiatan yg bikin aku jadi 'turis' di rumah sendiri
-The best listener
-Smart Oriented
-Nggak bisa multi tasking
-Messy up!
-Pecinta kerupuk dan salad buah
-Menyukai segala sesuatu yg imajiner
-Perfect features
-Fashion lover
-Ngefans buanget sama Rihanna

2. My Ambition

-Paris, Venesia, New York, Wakatobi^^
-Pengen gemukin badan sampe 50 kg
-Jadi penulis sukses
-Jadi pengusaha sukses
-Punya jam terbang tinggi sampe ke luar negri
-Bisa umroh sekeluarga
-Dapet jodoh seganteng nabi Yusuf AS dan berakhlak semulia baginda Rasul
-Pengen punya yayasan sosial
-Pengen punya clothing line. Udah punya merk sendiri : overDosis and Chocolietta

3. My Anticipated Gadget Stuff

-Kamera Canon DSLR
-Dell core 2
-iPhone 4
-iPhone shuffle 16GB

4. Wardrobe
-Top Shop

apa lagi yaaah??? hmmm....

My Best Friend and I : Friendship needs no words...

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

There are many people
that we meet in our lives
but only a very few
will make a lasting impression
on our minds and hearts
It is these people that we will
think of often
and who will always remain
important to us
as true friends

Sophie with her boyfriend :

The Penguin Couple and Me on Cinderella's Birthday

Ngga ada yg paling menyenangkan selain ngeliat orang yg kita sayang lagi happy atau ngelakuin sesuatu yg berarti buat mereka. Kayak ultah bff (best friend forever) si sophie yg ke 22, aku ngerasa kita berdua turns sooooo old in this age :c
so yeah, begitu banyak detik2 yg kita lewati, and in every single second, there are so many meaningful things, in and out. well, i don't know how does it feels, without having a thousands time and count it one by one (tp kyaknya kurang kerjaan juga sih kalo bawaannya pengen ngelamun trus)^^"

daaaaan, di hari spesialnya itu, sovi lebih milih untuk jalan bertiga bareng aku sama koko ferry. kenapa juga sih mesti ngajak aku? sumpah ngga enak bgt jd obat nyamuk gitu. tapi tu anak katanya ngga tega ngeliat aku tersudut tanpa arti (HALAH) di rumah sambil maen solitaire kayak orang hopeless T.TRasanya ngiri banget waktu ngeliat moment ini :

Ya Allah, apakah aku masih punya alesan untuk berkata dunia ini adil??? (ngambek)
OOO, WHY ME??? T.T = feeling sooooo freaking jealous with those picture. they are so in love and i'm alone,, taking photograph..did they noticed me????????

after that sentimental moment, we went to Batu Night Spectacular and got the heavy rainy there. bayangin deh, udah dibela-belain ke sana hujan2 eeeh tau2 ujan deres. terpaksa nunggu lama deh di mobil.

nunggu dan nunggu, hujannya malah makin eksis, ya udah, nekat aja akhirnya masuk ke dalam.
pengennya sih maenin smua wahana yg ada di situ. tapi karna keadaan ngga memungkinkan, ujung-ujungnya cuma makan di food court trus foto-foto narsis di taman lampion :c

it just my small story, aaand feel not complete without sharina in here...
Figure me out!

I believe...

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

I believe the sun should never set upon an argument
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone
I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye
I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold
I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires
I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye
I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed
I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists
I believe in love surviving death into eternity
I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye
ps : my favorite lyrics lately^^

Angel of Dream

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

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