a bunch happiness from heart

Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

Dear Allah,

Thank you for allowing me to have a wonderful relationship with and support from my parents.
Thank you for all the friends you bring into my life, I am glad that my number of friends always keep increasing. Thank you for giving me the strength and patience in responding to all the challenges I had to face. Thank you for all the opportunities given, because of You I finally had the courage to do what I have been wanting to do. Thank you for keeping everyone I love healthy, including myself as well. And thank you for up...
Thank you for having been with me, virtually and in real life, since the very first born...
It's funny how life gets around, but I am glad you were all there with me. I hope I have been a good person for you all, and I also hope I have contributed a part in your life. Together we are strong...:)

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