Beautiful romance or just ROMANTIC HOPELESS?

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

love is an escape of two people who don't know how to be alone . . .

Evelyn Salt

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

the sworn for Angelina Jolie, and can't hardly wait for this movie...
movie night with the gang on GIRLS NIGHT OUT with SALT!!!

drama is BORING...action is's my thing!


Senin, 07 Juni 2010

ya ampuuuuuuuuuunnnn,,,hmmm boring bgt ne rasanya di rumah..
pngen ada aktifitas lagi..
lg mo nylesein KEPRIBAND but i've stuck in the last chapter!! ugh,,sebel!!
knapa c qu jd sering ngblank kya gini????
Lombanya juga bentar lg deadline,,tp qu blom bkin 1 puun (-__-)"
guide me God,,
waduh,,lupa bawa USB T.T
pdahal ada tulisan seru yg mo qu posting..baru inget stelah nyampe sini.
apakah stress menyebabkan efek pikun??
hohoho,,,perhapz . . .


Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

for nearly a month, i did not open my lovely blog .. and it was very nostalgic to write here...

hem,,qu mo nulis apa hya??? sebenrnya lagi ga ada ide apa2, tapi udah lama banget nih gag ketemu sama aurora...n ternyata, waktu log in, aku yang salah ngetik email..jadinya harus ngecek dulu pake akun lama..hohoho...
repot juga kalo udah pikun gini^^''

to be cont :-*

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